Federal Issues
Key Issue
Postal Reform
As Congress seeks to make the United States Postal Service (USPS) solvent, it is imperative that individual state laws concerning the direct to consumer shipping of wine, beer and spirits are respected.

Federal Issues
Key Issue
Pass Through Entity Taxation
Any tax program must be comprehensive in nature – taking into account both personal and corporate tax rates - including S Corporations, partnerships, limited liability corporations, and sole proprietorships.

Federal Issues
Key Issue
Cannabis Legalization & Regulation
WSWA believes the time has come for Congress to comprehensively legalize and regulate adult-use cannabis at the federal level.

Federal Issues
Key Issue
TTB Funding
Congressional appropriators should fully fund the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.

Federal Issues
Key Issue
LIFO Preservation
LIFO is a 80+ year-old GAAP-approved inventory accounting system which is used by more than a third of all U.S. companies - it was added to the U.S. tax code to address the corrosive impact of inflation on the ability of U.S. companies to maintain adequate levels of replacement inventory. The need for LIFO has not changed.

Federal Issues
Key Issue
Impaired Driving
WSWA remains steadfast in its commitment to fighting drunk driving. Ignition interlocks are an important new technology that will help combat drunk driving.

Federal Issues
Key Issue
Tariffs On Imported Wine & Spirits
WSWA is against any sanction imposed on foreign-origin wine and spirits imports.