WSWA-PAC is the political arm of the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America. WSWA-PAC supports federal candidates who promote the three-tier system of beverage alcohol distribution, defend states’ rights and protect American, family-owned businesses.  

WSWA-PAC is governed by and in full compliance with all Federal Election Commission (FEC) laws and regulations.


Many WSWA member company employees contribute to WSWA-PAC via payroll deduction.

Who can contribute to WSWA-PAC?

Federal law regulates who can contribute to WSWA-PAC. 

Please read the guidelines below to determine who is eligible to contribute.

Executive, managerial or administrative personnel of the corporation may contribute to WSWA-PAC. These are individuals such as, corporate officers, executives, division managers, sales representatives, lawyers, engineers, etc., who are paid on a salary basis  rather than an hourly basis and have policymaking, managerial, professional or supervisory responsibilities. 

In the case of corporate directors, they may only be solicited if they are stockholders or receive a regular salary or fee from the corporation. Any person, including employees, who are stockholders, may be solicited even if they are not executive or administrative personnel. Professionals represented by labor unions, salaried lower-level supervisors, hourly employees, former or retired personnel or consultants not subject to withholding taxes, are not considered executive or administrative personnel.

Salaried individuals (as opposed to hourly workers or persons who work on commissions) and have managerial or executive responsibilities can contribute assuming the employing company has provided prior approval. One way to assess whether they qualify is to ask whether they are exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act. If so the FEC will consider them solicitable (unless they belong to a union or only supervise hourly workers).

WSWA-PAC Contact
Catherine McDaniel
Senior Vice President, Member Advocacy