Catherine McDaniel
Catherine McDaniel is the Senior Vice President, Member Advocacy for the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America (WSWA). Catherine joined WSWA in 2007 and is responsible for the strategic development and growth manager of WSWA-PAC, the political arm of WSWA. Catherine serves as a federal lobbyist and advocate on Capitol Hill. In addition to her important PAC work, she is tasked with managing WSWA’s wholesaler member grass roots activities as well as ongoing political branding activities.
Catherine has re-branded WSWA-PAC, travelled the country educating WSWA membership on the benefits of WSWA-PAC participation and implementing PAC payroll deduction among member companies. Under her tenure, Catherine has increased WSWA’s political presence in Washington by growing WSWA-PAC as a respected Top 15 trade association PAC with receipts equaling $ 2 Million a cycle. Additionally, Catherine participates in a voluntary role as the Vice President of National Association of Businesses Political Action Committee (NABPAC) Executive Committee.
Catherine has been instrumental in establishing a WSWA member-driven initiative called the Women's Leadership Council--a forum for women in wholesale to network, foster relationships with other industry peers and focus on women advancement. Recently, Catherine was named Director, Women's Leadership Council to formalize her role.
Prior to joining WSWA, Catherine worked for the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA) as Director, Legislative and Political Affairs.
Her love for the wine and spirits industry began when she held a part-time position while at OAAA at a wine shop in Arlington, VA called The Curious Grape. For five years, she had onsite training of the wine industry and completed the Society of Wine Educators course. Prior to the OAAA, she worked for Lamar Advertising Corporate headquarters in Baton Rouge, LA in the National Sales/Marketing Department.
Catherine received her Bachelor’s Degree Mass Communication, with minors in marketing and political science from Louisiana State University. She currently resides in Alexandria, VA with her husband, Malloy and three children, Maxwell, Murphy and Vidrine.